This fresh and sparkly, yet balmy bouquet opens with notes of citruses and red fruits. The heart introduces fresh flowers including Lily of the Valley, Bulrush, Tea Rose, and Cinnamon Leaves. This culminates in a dry down which is woody and musky.
Brand: Moschino
• Packaging for this product may vary from that shown in the image above.
• Introduced by the design house of moschino, i love love has a blend of grapefruit, orange, lemon, red currant, tea rose, cinnamon leaves, musk, cedar and tonka wood
Volume: 100ml
This fresh and sparkly, yet balmy bouquet opens with notes of citruses and red fruits. The heart introduces fresh flowers including Lily of the Valley, Bulrush, Tea Rose, and Cinnamon Leaves. This culminates in a dry down which is woody and musky.